Become a provider of goods, services or works for tpg
tpg is an autonomous entity governed by public law subject to public procurement regulations.
Call for tenders
Calls for tenders with an open procedure in progress are published on the SIMAP platform.
Procedure by mutual agreement and invitation
Contracts not subject to an open procedure shall be subject to procedures by mutual agreement or invitation. They are subject to the acceptance of our general terms and conditions of purchase.
General terms and conditions of purchase
The suppliers of tpg are deemed to have accepted our general terms and conditions of purchase totally and without reservation if they do not express a contrary opinion, by registered letter to tpg, within 5 working days of receipt of the order. Only the French version of the general terms and conditions of purchase is authentic.
Data protection
Due to the cross-border quality of our business, we comply with both Swiss and European legislation. All our suppliers are therefore required to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
European law and the GDPR assign different responsibilities to the parties according to their role in the processing of personal data. As such, you are considered to be responsible for data processing with regard to how you process personal data in the context of contractual relations.
As a data controller, you acknowledge and agree that:
- you are fully responsible for the processing of personal data;
- in the event of an infringement or other problem related to the confidentiality of personal data entrusted by tpg (security incident), you will be required to comply with the obligation to notify security incidents to the competent regulatory authorities provided for in the national texts and to tpg and;
- you also accept financial and legal responsibility for the processing of such personal data.
Once you become a tpg supplier, we may contact you to have a better understanding of the systems and processes you use or plan to implement to comply with the GDPR.
All suppliers who are required to process personal data of our customers must return to us the data protection addendum below duly signed.
Building access plan for suppliers
Download here the access maps of our three sites, Bachet-de-Pesay, Jonction and En Chardon.
Geneva public transport
Service Achats
Route de la Chapelle 1
P.O. Box 950
1212 Grand-Lancy 1