

Find the appropriate contact to address the subject you would like to discuss with tpg

You are...

Do you have goods or services to offer to tpg?

Discover the conditions to which tpg and their service providers are subject and get in touch with our Purchasing department.

I want to become a supplier

devenir fournisseur des tpg

Do you own a retail business in the Greater Geneva area and would like to offer our products to your customers?

Find out how to join our reseller network by contacting our Reseller Service.

I would like to become a reseller

Revendeurs tpg

Vous souhaitez développer un partenariat culturel avec les tpg?

La mission première des tpg est le transport des voyageurs. Nous vous proposons des accords reposant sur l'offre de la libre circulation à vos clients ou l'octroi de rabais à nos abonnés annuels.

Je souhaite devenir un partenaire

devenir partenaire culturel