
Open data | Opening our data to the public

Open data
Dernière modification le 21.11.2022

Did you know that since the beginning of 2022 160.3 million people have boarded our vehicles? And that we have circled the Earth the equivalent of 598 times? You can now discover these figures and many more on the tpg network, thanks to the opening of our data to the public via a dedicated site.

On our “open data” portal, you can find information such as the number of kilometers traveled, the number of tpg lines, ridership (number of passengers) stop by stop thanks to an interactive map, etc. A fun and accessible way to discover tpg activity in figures!

Data is updated on the tenth day of each month. While it should be of particular interest to mobility specialists (in Geneva municipalities and engineering offices), students or even the business world, its presentation on our portal will not fail to arouse the curiosity of the general public.

But that's not all! These key indicators can also be useful on a daily basis! Indeed, you could, for example, organize your teleworking days according to the number of passengers on the tpg lines used or even think about opening a business taking into account the density of travelers who transit at a given stop.

Let yourself be carried away by your curiosity and discover all the tpg data that is open to the public on the tpg open data portal!

tpg open data portal